What a great way to start the day!! Now I am officially a part of the XRT Family and wow did I wait too long to make the change. I will do a write to explain in depth but I must say that at stock boost levels (which I was running way higher before) the car is a new machine In Every way!! It feels so great I can't stop smiling !The car just wants to go! The power is so linear and smooth and are used to have an issue with some choppiness throughout the RPM range which is completely gone now!! Thank you Ed so much for the genius that you put in to every car that you work on the customer support and the knowledge is unsurpassed everyone should be on a tune by Ed I don't think anyone one who isnt really realizes how much better their car will be because of all the Forst comments from people saying oh when you buy your car/Subaru you need to buy an Cobb, WRONG!!!!It is going to be my goal to change all of that! Have a great day everyone I will update more as soon as I am out of work
Thank you so much Ed!!! You are true genius with tuning!! And also such a great person to work with!! Can't wait to see what we can do with this car as time goes on!! I have people already calling me for rides so they can see lol
As posted on the ... rnational/So I don't know if everyone knows but I have left Cobb and have moved over to XRT Tuning. It is still the beginning as we are doing a lot of data logs to keep fine tuning and adjusting different parameters of the ecu but I can honestly say that I have never had my car feel this good!! The response of the turbo and the engine used to have quite a delay and would stop making power around 5000rpm. Also I was running 19-20psi. As of right now I am at stock boost levels and I have much better response from the engine and no delay in the drive by wire system and I am also happy to say I am making much more power at way less boost and the car continues to pull and wants to go and keep pulling past redline the power delivery is absolutely incredible and we are nowhere near done tuning it for anyone local who does not believe you are more than welcome to meet up with me and feel it for yourself and see how a really great tune can make a car feel. I am running much safer and not overly rich as the prior pro tune was running. It also got rid of the so called "STi shudder" that people say is common lol. I will continue to update this post along the way so everyone can see what happens and for all the Dyno guys after I am at a point where I want to be I will get a pull done to show the numbers. I highly recommend XRT tuning he is a genius at what he does and ask anyone who has been tuned by Ed and I am sure you will get the same response and his customer support is like none other. I regret not doing this sooner but I Believe everything happens for a reason so the prior moves led me here and I am very fortunate to have someone as knowledgeable and talented tuning my vehicle! Thanks for reading 5th gen fam. If anyone wants to PM me to find out more details feel free.
Well from the research that I did and talking with ALOT of people at all the shows and different forums the tuner that did the pro tune was regarded as One of best tuners around these areas!He has done a lot of subarus and quite a few 5th gen LGT's. I am not trying to bash him but after seeing how poorly the car was running and how everything was set I'm positive that everyone should be tuned by you Ed. The way my car has felt from V1 is still better than what he did! Now that we are in a better state knowing how the car is running and the way you have adjusted everything I am driving around with a smile from ear to ear!! I have caught a few people at stop light look at me and probably wonder why a crazy person is behind the wheel but that is because they have never been truly happy behind the wheel of their car , which I can proudly say that I am and I know that things will keep getting better as she learns more. I also want to thank you for the unbelievably great customer service/support that I have gotten and continue to receive. It is so much better than anything I've delt with since starting with my car. Thank you very much for being such a great person and a genius at your craft!! I can't wait to see what's next!!!!!!!!!
Lol I don't mind having at least a mini stroke from happiness!! It's so wild to me that there is still more to come!! It is such a pleasure to work with a tuner as great as you because out here it would be like pulling teeth to make the tuner even give you one revision
Just a little teaser. Waiting to see the 1/4 mile time. Dbw aggressiveness been crank up a little and so did the boost 4400+. Awaiting logs to see the flow pattern.
Graph shows the TA Protuned Cobbs running more boost vs XRT tuning running a tab low boost in mid range and much lower 4800+. All power is gain by TQ Management, Dual AVCS tuning, reduce fueling and ignition tuning. Again I am waiting on further logs to finalised the tune.
Luis please your last throughts.
This last update again felt amazing!! The Power[/img] delivery is so smooth and so linear it feels as the car just wants to keep going if there wasn't a redline in place lol. It's amazing how responsive the car is with the DBW and Turbo response also the way the car sounds is different and more aggressive sounding when getting on it it makes me smile even more LOL To know that there are still things that can be adjusted is wild to me because of how far this has already surpassed any of my expectations and it is light years beyond the tune that I was running prior! Ed you are a true genius and are able to do things with a tune that I have never experienced and I know by all the people you have tuned and how happy everyone is that this is a common occurrence why anyone would not want to go this route is beyond me because from now on I will no longer have any car without being tuned by you! I will update more as time passes thank you again Ed and thank you everyone for following this post stay tuned there is more excitement to follow!
Thank you Ed!!! I was admittedly one of the people's who get into believing you need a cob if you have a Subaru and did not do enough research beforehand. I am a true believer that the power is in the tuner but it must be an experienced tuner with a great track record like you!! To this day my car has never felt this good and the power be so liniar. I can't wait to load V8! I will be updating after you and I speak.
P.S. That is another HUGE difference, the customer service and support is dramatically different with you because you care about what the customer is telling you and want the true feedback so that you can see how the car feels to the person. Most tuners just set it how they have been used to setting it on other cars and send it on its way. Thanks again for all your help and being such a great person as well as a truly talented tuner !!! Anyone who wants their car to perform the way it should and better than it ever has needs to be XRT Tuned!!!!!!
Nice! That is one of the greatest things about what you do also is the tuning of the dbw and the throttle response. What a change. When I had the Cobb I had told that guy mike to see if he could do anything and we found that the STi throttle map would fit in mine so he just put that in but it was not correct for the car and felt so jumpy I asked him to fix and he didn't know how. All the things you have done to my car and the knowledge you have given me I can not thank you enough for. I truly appreciate the vast amount of time you have spent working on it and figuring things out. No one else that I've ever felt with even with past cars tuning has ever given me the type of customer service and support is beyond anyone else and it is really like working with a friend not a company. Thank you again Ed. I just wanted to tell you again.